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- The Florida SunFlash
- SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language
- SunFLASH Vol 43 #5 July 1992
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- This is an article by James F. Salois that was posted to the Publish mailing
- list. -johnj
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- From: jfs@arbortext.com (James F. Salois)
- 1. SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language - is an ISO (8879) standard
- for the markup of text. Unlike the procedural markup used by most
- proprietary word processing and publishing systems, SGML employs a
- "descriptive" markup. Rather than describe how each element of text is to
- be formatted, SGML describes only the elements. For instance:
- [chapter]
- [title]What is SGML?[/chapter]
- [par]SGML is an ISO (8879) standard for the...[/par]
- [list]
- [item id=i1]a brief description about what SGML is[/item]
- [item id=i2]recommended references to get further...[/item]
- [item id=i3]Products that support it.[/item]
- [item id=i4]How does it fit into publishing...[/item]
- [item id=i5]Comments about SGML, usefulness...[/item]
- [/list]
- [par]A discussion of how to cross reference might be covered in
- item [xref idref=i1] above.[/par]
- [/chapter]
- Several things you should note about the above fragment of SGML:
- * The use of "chapter", "title", "par", "list" and "item" is defined by me,
- as the creator of this document type. SGML allows for the definition of
- "arbitrary" document types through a "Document Type Definition" or DTD.
- This allows for DTDs to be created and applied to very specific document
- or publishing problems. E.g., in your application, you may elect to use
- the following names for these elements: "ch", "chhd", "p", "l", "li".
- * The syntax used above ([tag_name][/end_tag_name]) is also application
- specific. Basically, you can vary the characters used to delimit tags and
- optionally omit start or end tags. These features of SGML are designed
- to allow rapid and efficient keyboard entry of markeup, where specialized
- SGML editors are not available.
- * The indented presentation of the fragment above is for readability only,
- and is not a feature of SGML, though whether an SGML document is stored
- as above or run-on into one long string, makes no difference to SGML.
- * The fragment above only describes "what" is contained. No information
- about "how" to process the fragment above is evident (I purposely
- avoided saying '"how" to _format_ the fragment above...'; see below).
- Finally, two comments about what SGML is NOT:
- 1. SGML is NOT a formatting language.
- 2. SGML is NOT a system. In of itself, SGML does nothing. It is
- simply a language for describing documents, or as I prefer, for
- describing _information_.
- 2. References:
- There is an excellent bibliography on SGML and related subjects
- (such as DSSSL and HyTime), but it is far to large to post here.
- Therefore, I'll give you an ftp to check out:
- <SGMA> ftp.ifi.uio.no:/pub/SGML/bibliography
- if you have trouble connecting, let me know and I'll see about
- mailing you a copy.
- 3. There are a growing number of products which support SGML in a variety
- of applications. Some products are author-only SGML editors, others have
- publishing components which will compose and print SGML marked up
- documents. Still others are available for on-line viewing (browsing) of
- SGML documents. There are also products which interface with database
- systems, taking the view that the information contained in a document is
- best represented or managed in a database. That said, as a vendor of SGML
- software I will refrain from listing specific products in this forum.
- 4. SGML is ideally suited to represent small to extremely large documents
- which are (or should be)
- * well structured,
- * information dense,
- * subject to frequent and/or multiple revision,
- * to be exchanged with internal/external suppliers or
- customers,
- and/or
- * have long lifecycles,
- * have a high degree of content overlap,
- * appear in several different styles.
- In a publishing environment where some or all of these criteria are
- evident, SGML is used to identify the information elements of a document,
- and to ensure the proper organization of those elements. Depending on the
- sources of information and how/if the information needs to be managed,
- SGML documents may be fragmented and put under the control of a DBMS.
- In an SGML based publishing environment, the emphasis is placed on
- gathering, synthesizing, assembling and managing INFORMATION. Once the
- information is identified and assembled, any of a variety of
- applications, including composing for print, can be applied to it.
- The key here is the separation of the authoring (information creation)
- process from the composition (or any other) process. SGML documents
- contain no instructions as to how a document should be composed. This allows
- documents to be managed independant of the specific composition system.
- It also means that if a particular document is destined to appear in
- several different printed forms, the content of the document needs only
- be stored once. More importantly, to apply a different style
- specification, does not involve direct editing of the document itself.
- The separation of style and content inherent in SGML also facilitates
- interchange. Documents are exchanged free of the compositional codes
- native to the original authoring system. For instance, if I created this
- message in WordPerfect, and you did not have a WordPerfect system, you
- would not be able to read it. If I sent you the message in SGML,
- however, at the very least you would be able to read it using your
- favourite ascii editor. If you had an SGML publishing system (not
- necessarily the one I use) you would also be able to print it according
- to whatever style(s) you specify.
- 5. It is clear to me that SGML has a very bright future. We are seeing a
- transformation in the publishing industry. The problem that many people
- are finding is no longer one of getting print on paper; the problem is
- identifying and getting control of the information which is your
- organization's most important asset. More and more, organizations can
- ill afford to have their publishing processes function as islands,
- producing material which has been separated from its source and
- identification. With SGML we now have a means of identifying, tracking,
- and managing our information throughout the authoring process, right up
- to the moment it is transformed into print. More importantly, the
- publishing process is no longer a dead-end process. Since authors are
- working with "live" information as they create their documents, they
- have the means to close the information loop, providing valuable input
- back into the organization's information base.
- One last comment before I get off my soapbox (ok, two). One of the most
- appealing features of SGML is its non-proprietary, vendor independent
- format. It means that, for the first time, complete, detailed documents
- can be created and exchanged independent of the hardware or software
- used. This non-proprietary format lead to my second comment concerning
- longevity. Since SGML represents the INFORMATION contained in a
- document, I know that documents created today in SGML will be just as
- viable in 5 or 50 years, long after today's computers and printers have
- become obsolete.
- ------------------------------- -----------------------------
- James F. Salois ArborText, Inc.
- Director of Product Marketing 1000 Victors Way
- ArborText, Inc. Ann Arbor, MI 48108
- Ph. (313) 996-3566
- jfs@arbortext.com Fx. (313) 996-3573
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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- John McLaughlin, SunFlash editor, flash@sunvice.East.Sun.COM. (305) 776-7770.